Today, I went Hikarino mori with Yoko, becuase we wanted to watch the movie. We went to there and watched movie. By watching movie, I felt that I will do my best now. This story is a woman who is 70 years old become 20 years, and sing a song with her grand child. This movie made us happy, because the actor and actress of this movie are so cool and beautiful. I like this actor and actress. Furthermore, 20 years woman is good at sing a song. Her voice was so clear and beautiful, so her song made me comfortable. I like her song. It was made by Chinese company, but it is so interesting. I thought that Chinese products were but things, but it is not true. I feel that this movie is very nice. I want to watch the movie again with Yoko. However, I want to watch the another movies, so I can't watch this movie again. Someday, I will lend this DVD and watch it with her. I had a good time for me today.
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BR:01-07 Ben and the Ghost
"I think we'll hang up this ghost in the bath room to dry," he said. (p.23)

By reading this book, It is funny accident, becuase when they saw the ghost, they saw the t-shirt really. I think that its mistake is impossible, maybe they are not good eyesight...
I saw the ghost in a high school student, I was very surprized at this ghost. However, I can't cry some words, because I encountered binding tight, so I can't move and cry. I was very scary, so I talk about friends and my mother. My mother sprincled solt of my body. I might see a little girl, so I think that she is Zashikiwarashi.
Strong, Jeremy. (2004). Ben and the Ghost. Harlow: Pearson Education
BR01-06 The Moon Seems to Change
Sometimes we see a lot of the part of the moon that is turned toward us, and sometimes only a little of it. (p. 28)

Franklyn M. Branley. (1987). The Moon Seems to Change. New York : HarperCollins
my junior high school student's memory
I saw ghost but I was in junior high school student. I once saw one when I was in my bed. On that day, I was sleeping in my bed, but suddenly, I woke up, because I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. I saw girl at that time. She had long hair, and her skin was very white. I was very surprised at this unforeseen occurrence. In the morning, I told my mother about what happened. My mother said, “I will sprinkle salt on your body.” I asked “Why do you want to sprinkle salt on my body?” My mother said, “The reason is I will clean your body with salt.” I understood it. My mother sprinkled salt on me. We thought the ghost ran out my body. I was very happy. However, perhaps it was not a good thing, because maybe this ghost was Zashikiwarashi. There’s a rumor that she will give me some good thing. I may have missed a wonderful opportunity. I want to see Zashikiwarashi, but maybe I can’t see her again.
I believed ghost.
I believed ghost.
Essay01-04 My introduction in2035
It is 2035, and I am 40 years old. After graduated from KGU, I went to America, and stayed one year. I lived in my friend's house and make money and stay there, because I wanted to know American's life style and daily lives. I thought that American people have a good time with them every day every time, because U.S.A is freedom, so people can what they want to do. I was very surprised at American people, and the place, because they are very big and talkative, and have very large houses, and fields. I wondered why Japanese people are so shy, but foreign people are so active and they can show their own ideas to each other. I wanted to be like foreign people.
After I stayed America, I came back to Japan, and found a job. I got a job in an airport and I become an airport employee. I like airplane, and the sky, but my job can't see airplane and sky, so I decided that I would become a pilot. I studied how to become a pilot. I studied hard every day. Finally, I became a pilot, and now I make a lot of money. I bought very big house and a private airplane. When I went to France, I met a woman who is very beautiful. I invited her to my house and we ate some food and drank. I married this woman, and we had a daughter and one son. Their names are Yui and Yusuke. I wish that Yui and Yusuke will become kind and good humans. I traveled all over their world with my family, and I went to world heritage sites all of the world. Furthermore, I took pictures, and I collected them. I wish that my children will grow up, and go to world heritage sites, and take pictures. I want them to compare their pictures with mine.
After I stayed America, I came back to Japan, and found a job. I got a job in an airport and I become an airport employee. I like airplane, and the sky, but my job can't see airplane and sky, so I decided that I would become a pilot. I studied how to become a pilot. I studied hard every day. Finally, I became a pilot, and now I make a lot of money. I bought very big house and a private airplane. When I went to France, I met a woman who is very beautiful. I invited her to my house and we ate some food and drank. I married this woman, and we had a daughter and one son. Their names are Yui and Yusuke. I wish that Yui and Yusuke will become kind and good humans. I traveled all over their world with my family, and I went to world heritage sites all of the world. Furthermore, I took pictures, and I collected them. I wish that my children will grow up, and go to world heritage sites, and take pictures. I want them to compare their pictures with mine.
BR:01-05 Book Week Goes with a Bang
Sam was walking to the shop when Miss Cherry and Zak went past. Sam saw them and waved, but they didn't see her. (p.30)By reading book, I think that car accident is danger, so I am carefull about drive and another cars. I did not experience car accident. I got a drive licence card recently, so I am a beginner in drive. I am carefull about drive, but I sometimes forget to see the side of car. If bike driving my side, my car hitting it, so I should see the side of car.
One of my friends was cause an accident, and his car became scrap. He was very sad, but I think that just he living here is happy. If he was dead, I feel sad, and I am not allow a person killed him.
I want to be a safe driver.
Strong, Jeremy. (2001), Book Week Goes with a Bang. Harlow: Pearson Education
my friends birthday
June, 18th is one of my friend's birthday. However he went to Osaka for his work. I want to give him something, but I do not know what he wants. In summer, he will come back Kumamoto, so I will give some presents. I am serching his presents, but I do not have idea. He like soccer, animation and video games. I choose animation goods, because he really like animations. When I sent LINE for him, he talked about some animation's information. When I was a high school student, I did not like animation, because I thought that people who waching animation are nerd. I did not like nerd, so I did not watch animation, but now I really like animation, because one of my friends recomended to an animation. It is very interesting, so I am absorbed in some animations. Japanese animations are the pride of our country, because Japanese animations are watched all over the world.
BR:01-04 Sam's New Flat
They searched among the trees on the far side of the lake, but there was still no sign of Scrap.

I read this book, I felt sad, because Sam's mother and father did not want to live together, and move out her house. Furthermore, She said good bye to her friends, and father. I can't believe it. I think that if I married some one, I never say good bye to my wife. However, I am looking forward to live new house, and my room. After she finished getting ready for a move out her house, she went to park, and her friend Donut came through the gate. They went down to the bridge, because the old lady lost her dog Scrap. They were searching any where,but they could not find Scrap. Finally, they could find her dog, and the old lady insisted on buying ice creams for Donut and Sam. I think that they are very kind, because they helped to searching the old lady's dog. I want to become kind man, and I will help somebody. I want to take care of dog, because dog is crever and cute. it makes me happy, and confortable.
Alexander, Jenny. (2001). Sam's New Flat. Harlow: Pearson Education
diary 11
I eat yakiniku with Hiroaki and Sho. They are my friends in high school. We went to Sairo, and we eat yakiniku, vegitaveles and drink juice. It was very delicious and juicy. I like yakiniku,but it is very expensive for me. I like to eat something, I do not have some allergy. I ate a lot of kind meat so my stomack was full, I think that I eat yakiniku every day, I will become a fatty. I do not become a fatty, so I run near my house every weekend. However, my weght is heavy than in high school. I think that yakiniku sause is so delicious. However, I do not like yakiniku sause, because it is
strong for me, so I often use salt when I eat yakiniku. I like salt, so when I eat to tonkatsu I use it. however, my friends can’t understand my opinion, but I use it.
strong for me, so I often use salt when I eat yakiniku. I like salt, so when I eat to tonkatsu I use it. however, my friends can’t understand my opinion, but I use it.
BR;1-03 Storm Castle
"You can put your computer away, and we'll have a game of football."

Hunt, Roderick. (2003). Storm Castle. [Oxford] : Oxford University Press
diary 10
I met one of my friend. Yoko is older than me, but we are very good friend. I wanted to meet to her, because I did not meet her for a long time. She and I worked together in drug store, so we were good relation. She is very kind and talkative, so I enjoy talking with her. One day, we went to Sushiro. There are a lot of kinds foods, for example, sushi, udon, cake and drink. I wanted to eat sushi, so I invited her to eat suihi. I like sushi very much, and she like it too. We went there and we ate sushi. I ate ten plates sushi, and she ate six plates sushi. She and I are not glutonous. we are amall appetite. I had a good time. After we ate sushi, we went to Spora, there are many place of play sports. We played table tennis. I am good at table tennis, because I used to play table tennis with my younger brother in my child. However, Yoko played table tennis once before, but she is good table tennis player. I won table tennis games. She was chagrined at losing the games, so she said that "I will practice table tennis, and I will win." I thought that it does not possible, because I practiced more than her and I often play table tennis with my friends. Next we played baseball, but just hitting ball. We went to our part time job's place, and we met our younger part time job people. We waited for their. Ending their part time job, we went to bowring together. I was looking forward to bowling, because I am good at bowling, but I did not go recently. We throw 5 games, so our arm were so tired. I won the all games, because they were bigginer. I think that Yoko will become good bowling player, because har score were 130 point average. She went bowling just three times. I had a good time for me and I want to go there with them again.
diary 9
I went to cycling shop with Takaki, because he wants to buy his road bike. I have a nice cross bike. My aunt gave me it, because my 18's birth day. I was very happy, because I wanted to buy cross bike, because it looks so cool and faster than normal bicycle. I think that cross bike is very use full, because I go to part time job by cross bike. Furthermore, sunny days, I often go to school by cross bike. In the summer, I do not like cycling, because I feel so hot, and I am in a sweat. However, I want to ride a cross bike, so I invited some of my friends to cycling. Takaki, decided that buy road bike, but he did not have money. He does not have money, so he often use credit card. However, his credit card is an upper limit, so he does not use credit card. He did not have money, and did not use credit card, so he could not buy road bike. He was so sad, but he wanted to buy it, so he will do his best. I wish that Takaki will buy it. Someday, we will go Ukishima shrine, because there is cycling's god, so we will buy a lucky charm for safe cycling.
After that, we went to star bucks and drank coffee, and ate cakes. It were very delicious. I often drink caramel frapechino. I like it very much.
After that, we went to star bucks and drank coffee, and ate cakes. It were very delicious. I often drink caramel frapechino. I like it very much.
BR:1-02 Green Island
"You can tell them why you've dumped toxic waste on Green Island."(p.27)
By reading book, I want to go Green Island, because there are a lot of things. for example, a lot of kinds animals and toxic drams. I like to explore an unknown place, because unknown place have a lot of mystery, so I want to know any mystery. Someday, I go to some unknown place, so I look for mystery. However, I do not go alone, so I go to there with my partner.
Hunt, Roderick. (2003). Green Island. [Oxford] : Oxford University Press
diary 8
I went to Round 1 with Kohei, Hiroaki, Koki, and Takumi. They are high school's friends. Kouki came back Kumamoto from Fukuoka last year, because he work at Kumamoto company. I like them, because they are very kind and interesting. We played soccer in Round 1, it is very fun, but we were very tired, because we did not do any things. I wanted to play soccer, so we went to Round 1 and play soccer. They are a lot of kinds sports, so we played a lot of kinds sports. I enjoyed playing sports. We held badminton tournament. I won the this tournament, because I am good at badminton. However, my friends are not good at badminton. Kohei and I play table tennis, because I like table tennis. However, Kohei is good at table tennis, so I lost tabale tennis games. I will practice tabale tannis, and someday I will win him. I played baseball, tennis, basketball, games, badminton and soccer, I was very tired, but I had a good time in my life. I want to go there again
diary 7
I went to karaoke with Kohei and Hiroya. They are my high school's friends. they played soccer in high school. We went to there in the middle of the night, so we were so sleepy... We often go karaoke in the middle of the night, because Kohei and Hiroya work in the day time, so we can't be assembled, but in the middle of the night, we often have free time, so we can go somewhere. I think that karaoke is best way what get rid of our stress, because we can sing a song very loud voice.
We sang three hours, it was short, but we wanted to sleep, so we came back home, and went to bed. I think to sleep is very important for our body.
We went to Sukiya and we ate Gyudon. I like Gyudon, and miso soup. We often go there after karaoke, because we were so hungry and Kohei and Hiroya wanted eat Gyudon.
We sang three hours, it was short, but we wanted to sleep, so we came back home, and went to bed. I think to sleep is very important for our body.
We went to Sukiya and we ate Gyudon. I like Gyudon, and miso soup. We often go there after karaoke, because we were so hungry and Kohei and Hiroya wanted eat Gyudon.
diary 6
I waked up at 8 o'clock and I went to school by mother's car. I drove it. I am a biginor driver, so I afraid of driving car. I think that car is so dengerous, because car is so big and hard. I attend English class, after that I met one of my friend Takumi. He live in Kanagawa now, but he came back grandmother and grandfather's house. We went to Kurea. There are a lot of kinds food and shopping place. We watched movie. It was nice, and I am interested in American car. I think that Japanese cars are very high quolity. After we watched movie, we went to drug store Mori, because he wanted to meet one of his friend. i bought chocolate and drink. I like chocolae very much. Finally, we went to MK and we ate three kind of meat. and some drink. I think that MK is so expensive, but we often go there for eating meat. Afrer day, He went to Kanagawa again, so I do not meet him. However, I often call him phone and talk with him. I enjoy talking. I wish he want to be a good person.
diary 5
I rode a road bike with one of my friends, and we went to cafe in Namikizaka street. We ate pan cake, and we drank orange juice and ginger ale. That was very delicious, and juicy, I had never eat such a cake in my life. I thought that pan cake was very expensive, so I can't go there frequently. sometimes I want to go there and eat pan cakes. After that we went to Taigeki, and we went bowling. I One of my friend is a good bowler, because his high score is 270, it is very high score. My best score is 264, but it was an accident. I want to be good bowler. Someday, I knock all of pin of bowling. we played bowling 5 games, so we are tired. We did not want to walk more, so we enter karaoke, and sang a lot of kinds songs. I enjoyed singing. He is good at sing, so I heard his singing song, I felt happy. I think he is the best singer of my friends. At night, we went to Tatsunoya. It is famous chinese noodle's shop. I like chinese noodle, so I went to once a week. I love chinese noodle. I think that noodle with a pork bone broth is very delicious. I had a very nice day, but we spent a lot of money for today.
BR-1-01 More Macdonalds

I want to take care of itI read a book that was written by Jeremy Strong and Illustrated by Jan Smith. Reading this book, I think that my house is small too, so I want to move to big house. However, I do not have money, so I can't move my house. I have room, but this is the room he had shared with my younger brother, so I do not have private time. If I have my room, I customize my room and I often spend time there, because I want to get my room in child, and private time. I looking forward to live a single life, but I worry about cook a meal, and keep cleaning my room, because I can not cook a lot of types meals, and I did not clean my room. My younger brother often clean our room.
I want to take care of some pets, for example, dogs, cats and chickenes, because dogs and cats are very cute and dog is clever. Furthermore, a hen laid an egg, so we can eat newly egg every day.
Strong, Jeremy. (2001). More Macdonalds. Harlow: Pearson Education
diary 4
Last Saturday, I went to Hikarinomori. It
is shopping mall. I want to watch the movie, so I went to Hikarinomori. I got
driver’s license card last month, so I drove my mother’s car and I arrived
there. I thought that drive was difficult for me, because I have not been yet
used to driving, but now I am good at driving, because I drove a lot of times.
When I arrived Hikarinomori in the morning, but there were a lot of cars.
However, I could park near a way out, so I was very happy, because I did not
walk long time. I watched movie, I like that movie, but it is very short,
because it only had 90 minutes. I think that movie often have 120 minutes, so I
felt this movie is very short. After watching movie, I walk somewhere, because
Hikarinomori was remodeled more big shopping mall. I was looking forward to going
there. I enjoyed shopping, but I was very tired, so I came back my home.
I came back my home, one of my friends called me soccer, so I got ready for soccer.
I went to junior high school, and we played soccer. However, we did not play
sports in KGU, so we tired soon. We think that our body grew older.
playing soccer, we came back my home, and we played soccer video game. We like
soccer, so we are very exciting. One of my friends and I fought each other. I
often win soccer games, because I play video games every weekend .
diary 3
Today, I went to school and I studied corocation. I have to do my home works. When I finished school, I met one of my friends. He and I went to DEPO, because Takaki wants to buy bycicle which type is road bikes. I like road bike, because it is so cool, and can go somewhere. Furthermore, road bike's speed is faster than normal bycicle. I think that road bike is best way that go to school. We watched a lot of types road bikes, so Takaki was trabled which you will have it. I recomended road bike which color is white. He think so too, but he had no money. However, he wanted that road bike. I We decided that Next week, we will go to the bycycle shop, and he will buy white bycicle.
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