Sam was walking to the shop when Miss Cherry and Zak went past. Sam saw them and waved, but they didn't see her. (p.30)By reading book, I think that car accident is danger, so I am carefull about drive and another cars. I did not experience car accident. I got a drive licence card recently, so I am a beginner in drive. I am carefull about drive, but I sometimes forget to see the side of car. If bike driving my side, my car hitting it, so I should see the side of car.
One of my friends was cause an accident, and his car became scrap. He was very sad, but I think that just he living here is happy. If he was dead, I feel sad, and I am not allow a person killed him.
I want to be a safe driver.
Strong, Jeremy. (2001), Book Week Goes with a Bang. Harlow: Pearson Education
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