Sometimes we see a lot of the part of the moon that is turned toward us, and sometimes only a little of it. (p. 28)

I read the book for the first time. I read a book and I feel moon is so beautiful. I often watch the moon, but I do not feel particular. However, I read a book, I think that moon is so mysterious, because moon seems to change. It move around the earth. Someday, I want to go the moon, because moon spaces are zero gravity, so I may be able to fly, and jump 2 meter. Furthermore, I want to watch the earth by the moon. However, we can't live there, because there are not oxygen, so we can't take a breath. We have to wear space suit, so I can take a breath. I hope someday some one devolop way to survive in the moon. In the future, I want to live in the moon.
Franklyn M. Branley. (1987).
The Moon Seems to Change. New York : HarperCollins
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